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The Life and Times of Hunter "Socks" Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend

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Friday, January 30, 2004

Anger Issues?

A few "people" have complained that I have some Anger Issues. Me?

Okay, it wasn't a "people," it was Trance.

Aparently he does not appreciate my sneak attacks. Whatever.

I feel bad for these poor vampires.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

My Freakin' Public

Okay, okay, the last post I made was last week.

Get over it.

People keep saying "Think of your public, think of your public." When was the last time my public thought of me?

I hung out with Trance a lot this weekend.

Okay, so he is cool, but sometimes I have to remind him that we are in my house! Dude.

The Humans are still very very weird. The Human Lanna has been reading these "romance novels" a lot lately. Doesn't she get enough of that crap from the Human Edmund. Oh, wait, he just turned to ESPN. Whatever.

So I turn to my tome, the inestimable Weekly World News and find that there is still hope! For instance, soon all ugly people will have to wear masks. And isn't it about time.

Watch out for garden gnomes. Whatever they are.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

I am a good reader

My favorite paper is the Weekly World News, paws down.

The Edmund human reads what he thinks are the important papers, like the New York Times, The Sun, Wall Street Journal, and he even reads the New York Post.


The Weekly World news covers the important issues.

Evil Mole People! They found lots of evil mole people in Wyoming. They speak English suprisingly well & they HATE Americans.

MAD MOUSE DISEASE!!! Worse than mad cow! I am going to make sure that any mice I eat are definitely sane.

And Aliens are here only to get our Krispy Kremes.

Don't you worry. I will keep you abreast of any other breaking stories!

Friday, January 16, 2004

What is going on?

The other day, the Edmund human asked the Lanna Human to get married to him? What is that? Strange.

Now she keeps showing me this shiny thing on her hand (a ring).

Whatever. The Lanna Human seems very excited.

Sunday, January 11, 2004


I just realized. Trance is not around. That means I can take his favorite spot in my room. It is my room, after all.

You snooze you lose, Trancey boy!

Saturday, January 10, 2004

I like to hide during the day

Sometimes the humans think I am lost. That is really cool.

The closets are cool, they have so much junk in them & Stuff. Trance has not been around today, so things have been kind of mellow.

I guess I miss the lug, but he does piss me off sometimes!

I am an angel...

But I can't help but to antagonize Trance now and again. Call it a character flaw. Or something. Like tonight, the humans are just hanging watching tv and reading, they don't even notice that Trance is on MY side of the futon. I mean really! Not fair!

He tries to look all innocent, but I know. He is trying to claim the best spot in the damn room. Who made him "King Kat" anyway? Huh.

So I just have to go up to him and give him a swat. Just to show him who's the boss. It sure ain't Tony Danza, let me tell you!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Living the Life

Things have been pretty mellow the last couple of days.

Except for when Trance gets on my case.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Nowhere to Hide

Yesterday the Edmund human cleaned the rest of the room. Now I can see all the floor. Are they trying to mess with a poor kitty's mind?

Now that the living room-type area is cleaned, I have less places to hide there. Sometimes I like to hide under the pile by the futon. But now there is no pile. Fortunately, I still have the bedroom. They haven't cleaned in there yet. And the Lanna human was looking for something there last night and now it is even messier in there!

Hung around with Patrick for a while today. He gives me chicken. I like Patrick.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Something is Whack in my Neighborhood


Okay, something has happened, very weird. The human Lanna has been cleaning all afternoon. Now I can see the top of the table & the desk, and the floor!!! Who'd a thunk?

What is going on?

She even swept the floor!

Lazy Sunday.

But lately, what days have not been lazy? Huh?

New Look, New Attitude

Wow, my site is looking quite nice, If I don't say so myself. Thanks to human Lanna!

Fortunately both of the humans bathed today, and they both went out too! (They didn't stay out long, and they didn't get me anything, tho. Oh well.)

I found out that there is another cat in human Lanna's life. He is featured a lot in these recent photos from their last trip away. Should I be jealous? I wonder.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Newsletter & Sleepy human Madness

I have published my first newsletter today (well, officially yesterday, but I have not gone to sleep yet.) Please, take a moment to read it, if you have the time.

The Edmund Human is sleeping again.

He is pretty nice to cuddle up with, he gives off heat like a furnace!

Friday, January 02, 2004

Smelly Humans, Baths are for Kits

What up! Today has been another lazy day for me. The Lanna Human has been hogging the computer all day, but that's okay, she did tweak my site for me a bit, which was very nice of her.

Nothing much on on those glowing boxes they call tvees. Except, apparently something called Football. That Edmund human is watching it right now. Or is he sleeping? I can't really tell until he snores or something.

I thought the humans would be cleaning today. (There I go thinking again=0)

Maybe tomorrow they will go out. Or at least bathe! I bathe at least once a day, I mean really.

Happy NEW YEAR!!!

What I like to do is hang out. I am a kitty, and kitties hang.

Me hanging with Trance:

One of my favorite places to hang is the kitchen. People come and go, and I can pretty much go unnoticed for hours.

The humans were both home today. Boy they can be lazy. Neither one got up before noon. Then they watched the glowing boxes (they have two of them) for hours and hours.




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