Hunter Socks Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Hunter "Socks" Thompson

The Life and Times of Hunter "Socks" Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend

Rockin' The Internet since 2003

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

When will it be warm again?


I am just wondering when? Will it be warm?

Where are the birds. I love looking at birds out the windows.

The humans are gone a lot during the day, that means I have no one to snuggle with. If it was warm it wouldn't matter.

I need some snacky snacks.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Happy VD

So, to celebrate Valentine's Day the Human Lanna made this fake romance cover:


So I made this one for her:


That'll show her!

Make your own!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Dogs -- Scourge of Society


Disturbing news.

The Lanna Human's Parents have adopted a new dog.


They call him Gus.

Because he is a "Goofy Gus"


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hey, a question for you...


Ever had one of those days where you didn't know which end was up?

Me too.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The outdoors


As I look at strange humans from my perch at the window, all I can say is thank you that I do not have to go to the great outdoors.

It doesn't look so great to me.

A lot of these humans apparently don't have fur. So they have to put on some of their own fur or extra fur. Sometimes it's a fur coat. Sometimes it's not.

Even my humans put on some non-fur clothing. Human Lanna wears a black shiny coat, which has seen better days. The Edmund Human wears a huge, ginormous parka. Lanna Human wears purple things on her hands.

Sure, I have fur, but what about that white stuff?

They call it snow.

Now, I've heard that snow burns your skin. Even if you have fur.

I used to see this orange-colored cat all the time in the summer. Where is he now? Did he find a nice warm place, or did he burn away.

No, Thank you. Not for me.

I am content to sit here in this window.

And look out.




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