Hunter Socks Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Hunter "Socks" Thompson

The Life and Times of Hunter "Socks" Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend

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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Stupid Human Tricks

So we had a little excitement here the other day. The Human Edmund decided to put his hand (paw) through the living room window. I am not sure why he did. Something about being "hot" and wanting to "open the window." Next thing I knew he was running around clutching his arm. The Human Lanna called 911 and told them what happened. The "EMT" guys came by and gave the humans a lift to the "Hospital." Fortunately Patrick was here and he called Joseph, the maintenence dude. Joseph came up and took all of the jagged glass out of the window. I am pretty sure I heard him muttering under his breath while he did it.

The Edmund Human came back sporting a big white bandage and a reported 5 stitches.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Humans and their "detatchable fur"

Okay. something has been bothering me for a while, and only since my human Lanna had her head fur cut have I really noticed how weird this is. Humans don't have their own fur.


Now I have fur, Trance has fur but the humans in my apartment do not have fur. Is that normal?

Don't get me wrong, the humans have some detatchable fur. Fur-derivitive I call it. They call them coats, shirts, pants. Sometimes though, the Lanna Human will go outside in the detatchable fur called "skirt" and leave her legs without any fur on them! Imagine that!

The Edmund Human does have fur on his chest, but it is sparse. He sometimes has fur on his face too, but then he'll go into the bathroom and come out with it gone.

Both Humans do have fur atop their heads tho. More than I have on my head. Can't they grow it so it will cover their bodies like my fur covers my body? Huh?

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Hidin' From the Humans

Let me start out by saying that I never intend on "hiding" on the humans, but it usually happens anyway. Sometimes I sleep in the closet. Or under the bed. Or in the credenza. Or, as pictured above, in my cat tree. Sometimes I hide in the kitchen.

It is nice to have places to go. Places where I don't have to worry about being picked up & danced around with the accompianent of the do-do-do song, places where I can be free of Trance and his machinations.

Eventually they might find out where I am. But, until then, I am free.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Thunderin' Thursday

What up peeps! Just hanging in the house. Havin' some fun & stuff...


Reading about the Bat Boy. Amazing tale.

Monday, March 08, 2004

I feel so dirty

Here are the pictures taken at a photo shoot my humans staged, so you could all see me "wearing" my signature tote bag.

Do you see what I go through every day? Do you see?

I am going to sleep now...

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Fetch, Human, Fetch!

Go get it! Good Human. Good Human.

Sorry, folks. I just can't resist. They are so trainable aren't they.

Friday, March 05, 2004

I taught the humans to Fetch!

Took them a bit to catch on, but finally they got it. I bring the "toy" over to the bed, maybe play with it a minute, then one of them will see it and throw it off the bed for me. I run out of the room to get it, sometimes I stop to play with the Lanna Human's footwear, (which, btw, smells very nice) then I bring the "toy" back.

Although, sometimes I 'forget' to get the "toy" and the Edmund human has to go look for it. Soo funny. Silly humans.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'm not full of Shat!

But these guys are:
click here for Full of Shat

Mainly I am just chilling now. The human Lanna has been hogging the new computer lately. Every time I try to use it, she tells me to stop! Whatever.

Just found out that my food area is in front of the fire escape. So now I will have to move it! Pisses me off, like the humans would try to save me if there was a fire or something.




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