Hunter Socks Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Hunter "Socks" Thompson

The Life and Times of Hunter "Socks" Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend

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Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm ignoring you

I can see you out of the corner of my eye, trying to get me to pay attention to you. But I won't. I have more important things to do, like look at the birds in the yard.

You say that I am ignoring you. You are right! I am not your plaything. I am the cat. I rule this house, and no silly birds are going to make it inside. I have to watch outside every now and again to make sure they know I know that they will try to get in the house.

I am protecting you humans from nasty birds.

Trance once told me birds were tasty, but I doubt it.

So excuse me while I look out the window. I have better things to do with my time.

Cat Dancing

So the Lanna Human thinks that I would like cat dancing. She moves all around me flapping her arms saying "C'mon! Dance!"

I told you they think I'm a toy for their amusement.

I will not do it, no dancing, not until I get some of that wet cat food!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Doorbells in my mind

Whenever the doorbell rings, I hide under the bed. Even if I am in the Kitchen or something. I run to the bed, and hide under it.

I have heard that scary people sometimes visit the house after the doorbell rings, and I would rather not hang out when scary people are about.

Sometimes it's a pizza guy. But I don't like pizza, so I might as well hide anyway. The packages are never for me!

Frankly, if the door bell is ringing, the humans really don't need me. So I hang out under the bed.

So Sue me, or something!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Imaginary Kitty

So I just found out that the Lanna Human's Parents think that I am not real. Because they have never seen me. Apparently, seeing is believing. Or something like that.

So now there is a pressure for me to show my face whenever the humans have company, like I am supposed to be some sort of puppet or toy for their amusement.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bored, bored, bored

Just bored over here. You?

Monday, April 18, 2005

Feather on a String

Have you guys heard of this? Feather on a String? Pretty awesome! It flys around like a bird!

Sometimes it goes so fast you can't see me!

Even the Edmund Human likes it:

But it is MINE I tell you, MINE!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Just call me "Muse"

So the Humans went to an "Art Day" in New Hampshire today. Don't ask me what an Art Day is though.

The Lanna Human painted this for me.

I just want to say that I do not have that stupid grin.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

She thinks she is placating me

I wanted to blog yesterday, but the Lanna Human took the laptop with her. Out of the house. Without my permission.

She pets me like I will not care as long as she gives me lovin'.

You know me better than that!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

My favorite Show

My favorite Show is on Sunday Nights. It stars this guy the Lanna Human thinks is cute (but she prefers the Edmund Human for some reason.)

Anyway they go to people's houses and tear them down and build them back up again. Kind of weird human thing, but it's fun. The Lanna Human usually cries and stuff. She likes it a lot.

I like it for the destruction. It's called Extreme something-or-other.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

The kitchen is fun

We have a table and stuff in the kitchen that allows me to look out the window while sitting down. It's very convenient. That White stuff I was talking about is almost all gone. The humans say it is spring.

Friday, April 08, 2005

I am very helpful

So the Lanna Human is cooking up some scheme. She calls it a "Workshop" and tells the Edmund Human that people will have "fun."


That's what I say anyway. As long as the Deli Cat keeps making it to my food dish, I am all set.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sleepy Sunday

It's raining today. (Water coming from the sky and stuff.) Good day to curl up with the Edmund Human's sweatshirt.


Friday, April 01, 2005

Aliens have stolen my brain!


(under Alien Control)

Come Closer, Come Closer, hey, gimme some cat food. And don't skimp on the Ocean Whitefish flavor! Take me to your leader! Mwuahahahaha.

I'm a pretty princess, I'm a pretty princess!


It's the drink I tell ya, the drink!

(btw, April Fool's!)


Good morning. Sometimes I like to stretch. It feels good, you know.




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