Hunter Socks Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Hunter "Socks" Thompson

The Life and Times of Hunter "Socks" Thompson: Feline, Hedonist, Friend

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Sunday, April 25, 2004

Acid Trip Kitty

Too much catnip.

Been very busy this week. Pouncing on Trance. Chasing fake mice. The usual.

Kind of strange thing, but apparently I am insane.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Humans and their uses

I think I have them all figured out now. What they are both good for...

If I want food or water or anything in the middle of the night, I go to the Edmund Human. All I have to do is jump on him. Many, Many times. Eventually, he will get up, grumbling. Then he will make sure I have food and water and will check my neccessary box.

If I want to lay on someone, I go to the Lanna Human. All I do is lay on her while she is sleeping. If she feels me there, she will not move until I am ready to move. This morning I was laying on her, she was petting me and sleeping, intermittantly. The Edmund Human woke up and she told him that she had to use their neccessary box (which is in another room) but she did not want to move me.


Friday, April 16, 2004

Trance stayed over last night

It was cool. He likes to sleep on top of the cable box. Maybe it is nice and warm there, I don't know.

I know what you might be thinking. That Trance and I seem to be getting along better. Look, I tolerate him, I admit it. But, if I didn't hang out with Trance I would not be able to hang out with Patrick. And Patrick gives me meat.

I like meat.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Of course they are back now

They came back the other day. I have just been laying low because they have both been sick. Didn't want to catch it.

The Edmund Human has been moping around all week, complaining that he feels terrible and stuff. Whatever.

Then the Human Lanna comes home from work and complains that she feels like crap.

Just don't breathe on me! That's what I say.

At least the Human Edmund sounded sick, he was talking funny and everything.

Trance has been laying low as well. He's a smart cookie.

Friday, April 09, 2004

They are gone, and they took the computer!

Luckily I remembered the old, lesser computer...

So it has been pretty boring around today. No humans to kick around. Hopefully Patrick will come in to check on me again soon.

I love the laundry bag. It is so comfy.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Trance is pissing me off again

He keeps attacking me in the hallway.

The Lanna Human acts like it is all my fault. Like I would start something like that, huh?

And if he tries to get on my turf, well, I have to defend it, don't I?

So the humans are packing again

Something about Easter and Parents and New Jersey.

I think the Edmund Human's Parents live in New Jersey. I met them before, they were very nice.

So what am I going to do?

Monday, April 05, 2004


I am glad I have fur.

The humans are complaining that they are cold. And adding more of that detatchable fur they call fleece. They even called the "super" and complained about the heat. I, myself, am pretty comfortable.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

a trip down memory lane

Here is a picture of me & my sister from when I was really young. I miss her sometimes. And my brother too.

I was the runt of the litter, did you know that?

I'm much bigger now, & now I can beat up Trance, too.

Big & Small

Here I am with my Human Lanna, back in November and just a few minutes ago...

She can't seem to stop choking me though! What is up with that?!!!

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Saturday Slumber

You all know I like my little scratch post thing. Above you will see me hanging out in it, hiding.

Trance and I have met an uneasy truce.

MOstly because we are hiding from the Vampire babies out to get our blood.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Sneak Attack Thursday

Trance needs to go down. That's all I can say, he needs to go down.

I got him a few times today.

I'll get him again tomorrow.




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